Rolex Funds Artist Mentor Program

23 artists have been selected in an unusual program Rolex started in 2002 that pairs developing artists with masters over the course of a year. At about $100K/pop, looks like there’s money out there for artist cultivation. Interesting to consider the different thresholds required (“cost per artist” for instance) for federal verses corporate funding … [Read more…]

Dr. John Still Loves New Orleans, and Now He’s Mad

NEW ORLEANS — Mac Rebennack, the 67-year-old New Orleans pianist, guitarist and songwriter better known as Dr. John, carries the city’s lore in his fingers, his scratchy voice and his memory. He has lived in New York City and on Long Island since the 1980s, but when he revisits his birthplace it’s as if he … [Read more…]

Important New Book, Arts Inc. by Bill Ivey

In this impassioned and persuasive book, Bill Ivey, the former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, assesses the current state of the arts in America and finds cause for alarm. Even as he celebrates our ever-emerging culture and the way it enriches our lives here at home while spreading the dream of democracy … [Read more…]

Bipartisan Band Rocks the House

The start of the “Congressional Musicians Caucus.” We’ll need their help to get MusicianCorps programs thru with National Service, Education, Health and Foreign Affairs (State Dept., etc) legislation: Then, of course, there’s these guys: “How exactly the original lineup — Trent Lott, John Ashcroft, Jim Jeffords and Larry Craig — was formed remains shrouded … [Read more…]

New Orleans Music Mentors Draw Crowds

“You get the feeling that…when you play something good, you’re proud.”—–

There is nothing naive about your impulse to change this world.

Enough to make an alumnus proud…ckg, Wes ’91 MIDDLETOWN, Conn. — Sen. Barack Obama asked Wesleyan University graduates Sunday to pursue a cause greater than themselves, saying, “There is nothing naïve about your impulse to change this world.”—–